Robot Course Recommendations





This course explores topics in deep learning with applications to robotic grasping. During the first portion of the course, students will learn how to implement several learning algorithms using PyTorch and understand basic concepts in robotic manipulation. The rest of the course will be project-based, with students working in groups to develop a learning algorithm to perform an interesting manipulation task with a low-cost robotic arm。

本课程探讨深度学习的主题及其在机器人抓取中的应用。在课程的前半部分,学生将学习如何使用 PyTorch 实现几种学习算法,并理解机器人操作的基本概念。课程的其余部分将以项目为基础,学生将分组合作开发一种学习算法,以使用低成本的机器人手臂执行有趣的操作任务。


This course will introduce you to many of the foundational planning, control, and perception algorithms in robotics through the lens of robotic manipulation. You will implement each of these algorithms in a simplified context in Matlab. Then, you’ll implement something more realistic in OpenRAVE, a simulation and planning toolchain used in the robotics manipulation research community. The focus will be on understanding and applying the ideas in new ways. There will be an end-of-semester project where you can show off what you’ve learned.

We will study most of the following topics (subject to change; see schedule tab above):

  1. Kinematics/zero-order control
    • Representation of rotation
    • Manipulator forward kinematics
    • Manipulator differential kinematics
    • Cartesian end-effector control
  2. Planning, Control
    • Sample-based planning methods (RRT, PRM)
    • Trajectory optimization methods
    • Markov Decision Processes
    • Linear optimal control (LQR, TVLQR)
  3. Filtering, Localization, and Mapping
    • Kalman filter, EKF
    • SLAM algorithms
  4. Computer Vision, Perception in Point Clouds
    • Point cloud methods: RANSAC, ICP, etc.
    • Object Detection Using Deep Learning
    • Other applications of Deep Learning

本课程将通过机器人操作的视角向您介绍许多机器人技术中的基础规划、控制和感知算法。您将使用 Matlab 在简化的环境中实现这些算法。接着,您将在 OpenRAVE 中实现更真实的应用,OpenRAVE 是一个在机器人操作研究社区中使用的仿真和规划工具链。课程重点将放在理解和以新方式应用这些思想上。学期末将有一个项目,您可以展示所学的内容。


  • 运动学/零阶控制
  • 旋转的表示
  • 机械臂正运动学
  • 机械臂微分运动学
  • 笛卡尔末端执行器控制
  • 规划与控制
  • 基于样本的规划方法(RRT, PRM)
  • 轨迹优化方法
  • 马尔可夫决策过程
  • 线性最优控制(LQR, TVLQR)
  • 过滤、定位和地图构建
  • 卡尔曼滤波器,扩展卡尔曼滤波器(EKF)
  • 同时定位与地图构建(SLAM)算法
  • 计算机视觉,点云中的感知
  • 点云方法:RANSAC,ICP 等
  • 基于深度学习的物体检测
  • 深度学习的其他应用


CS 4910 (

CS 4335/5335: Robotics Science and Systems (Spring 2019) (
